Are you ready to submit digital reconsiderations and appeals?
Take steps now to make sure you’re prepared
We’re reaching out to make sure you’re prepared for an important change in the claim reconsiderations and post-service appeal submission process. Starting Feb. 1, 2023, these will need to be submitted electronically.
Please share this update with your team and any outside vendors so they’re prepared to submit these requests electronically instead of by mail.
Your electronic submission options
- UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal: Submit under Claims & Payments. Need help? See the Online Reconsiderations and Appeals interactive guide for a step-by-step guide on how to submit reconsiderations and appeals electronically.
- Application Programming Interface (API): Consider submitting reconsiderations and appeals through API. Data can be distributed to your practice management system or any application you prefer. API requires technical programming between your organization and UnitedHealthcare, so advanced planning is required. Want more information? Visit API Marketplace.
What’s ahead in paperless
In 2023, you can expect more paper submissions and mailings we send you to go digital. In February, virtual card payment (VCP) statements will no longer be mailed. Later in 2023, we’ll require you to submit claims and claim attachments electronically. We’ll also continue to encourage UnitedHealthcare commercial members to use digital ID cards.
All required paperless transitions will be announced in Network News at least 90 days prior to the change. We encourage you to explore our digital solutions and review your workflows so that your team is prepared. Review the most up-to-date information, exclusions and schedule at
Please contact UnitedHealthcare Provider Services at 877‑842‑3210, TTY/RTT 711, 7 a.m.–5 p.m. CT, Monday‑Friday.
For help accessing the portal and technical issues, please contact UnitedHealthcare Web Support at or 866‑842‑3278, option 1, 7 a.m.–9 p.m. CT, Monday‑Friday. Primary Access Administrators may also contact Web Support for help updating notification emails.