General information
Additional information
Humana Provider Resources: https://www.humana.com/provider/
Humana COVID-19: https://www.humana.com/provider/coronavirus
Humana Claim, Provider Payment Integrity, Code Edit Resolution Process: Claim payment inquiry resolution process guide
Humana Claims Resources: https://www.humana.com/provider/support/claims/
Humana Provider Contact Center: Commercial 1.800.448.6262, Medicare 1.800.457.4708. Always obtain reference number.
Humana Provider Payment Integrity Customer Service: Clinic Audit, Refund and Recoupments, 1.800.438.7885
Humana Pre-Authorization, Referrals and Notifications: www.Availity.com, 1.800.523.0023, www.Humana.com/PAL
Humana Provider Concierge Unit: If your claim payment inquiry is not resolved with the call to the Provider Contact Center, you may escalate your concern by submitting a secure email with call reference number, claim information, reason for payment dispute and your contact information to HumanaProviderServices@Humana.com
Humana Centralized Provider Relations Copy of Physician contract, Physician fee schedule, Contract Status Inquiries, Effective Dates, 1.800.626.2741
Humana Provider Self Service: Benefits/Eligibility, Referrals/Authorizations, Claims, ERA/EFT. Register at www.Availity.com
Humana Join the Network: https://www.humana.com/provider/medical-providers/network/
Humana Provider Support Tools / Education on Demand: Making It Easier /Quick Reference Guide
Humana Provider Manual and Other Publications: www.humana.com/provider/news/publications
Humana Healthy Horizons OH Medicaid: www.Humana.com/HealthyOH
Humana Market Email: Demographic changes, contract language clarifications, copy of contract, copy of fee schedule: inproviderupdates@humana.com (IN), MichiganMarket@humana.com (MI), ohionetworkspecialist@humana.com (OH)